Sunday, March 10, 2013

PSA - Boreal Brewers Homebrew Tasting

Public Service Announcement – For Immediate Release   

March 10, 2013


Boreal Brewers Homebrew Club                                   For more information contact:

Spring Homebrewed Beer Tasting                                Harvey Tjader (218) 444-5477

March 23, at the Keg 'n' Cork in Bemidji                      Jeff Edmonds (218) 586-2332



Boreal Brewers Homebrew Club is proud to announce a Spring tasting of home-brewed beers.  It will take place at 3:00 pm, Saturday, March 23, 2013, in the basement bar of the Keg 'n' Cork, 310 Beltrami Avenue in downtown Bemidji.


This event is open to the public.  The tasting will feature a wide variety of donated home fermented beers.  By giving away free samples in an informal setting, Boreal Brewers hopes to increase awareness of the fine art of homebrewing and the world's many styles of lagers and ales.  Past tastings average more than 20 different samples. 


Brewers are encouraged to contribute beers for tasting.  Eight to ten 12-ounce bottles of each beer is usually enough to go around.  Anyone bringing beers to share should arrive one-half hour early so we can place them in proper order for tasting. 


Local musicians will provide musical interludes during the tasting.   A small cover charge defrays the cost of hall rental, entertainment and supplies only.  The cover charge is not for the purchase of any alcoholic beverages, as all home-brewed beers are donated by the brewers and samples are distributed free for tasting.


The Boreal Brewers Home Brew Club was organized in 1991 and is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, science and appreciation of homebrewing by providing a forum for the exchange of homebrewing products, information and expertise. The club has members from many northern Minnesota communities, everywhere from Park Rapids to Grand Rapids.



