Monday, October 25, 2010

Boreal Brewers Homebrew Tasting Saturday

Public Service Announcement – For Immediate Release   

Oct 5, 2010


Boreal Brewers Homebrew Club                                   For more information contact:

Halloween Homebrewed Beer Tasting                                    Harvey Tjader (218) 444-5477

October 30, at the Keg 'n' Cork in Bemidji                   Jeff Edmonds (218) 586-2332



Boreal Brewers Homebrew Club is proud to announce a Halloween tasting of home-brewed beers.  It will take place at 2:00 pm, Saturday, October 30, 2010 in the basement bar of the Keg 'n' Cork, 310 Beltrami Avenue in downtown Bemidji.


This event is open to the public.  The tasting will feature a wide variety of donated home fermented beers.  By giving away free samples in an informal setting, Boreal Brewers hopes to increase awareness of the fine art of homebrewing and the world's many styles of lagers and ales.  Past tastings average more than 20 different samples. 


Brewers are encouraged to contribute beers for tasting.  Eight to ten 12-ounce bottles of each beer is usually enough to go around.  Anyone bringing beers to share should arrive one-half hour early so we can place them in proper order for tasting. 


Local musicians will provide musical interludes during the tasting.   A small cover charge defrays the cost of hall rental, entertainment and supplies only.  The cover charge is not for the purchase of any alcoholic beverages, as all home-brewed beers are donated by the brewers and samples are distributed free for tasting.


The Boreal Brewers Home Brew Club was organized in 1991 and is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, science and appreciation of homebrewing by providing a forum for the exchange of homebrewing products, information and expertise. The club has members from many northern Minnesota communities, everywhere from Park Rapids to Grand Rapids.





Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bemidji skatepark

After decades of denial, Bemidji finally has a public skatepark... and some skaters say it's the best one in the state!  Over the years, we've seen skateparks developed in Grand Rapids and Duluth.  Even little parks in Baudette and Kelliher.  Local skaters have made trips to Grand Forks and Fargo to skate legally.  In Bemidji, they just got busted.

It's illegal to skate downtown or near any public school or the university.  The cops had a code: "baggy pants", they used to swoop down on skaters.  If a skater wasn't breaking a law, she/he didn't get arrested, but in some cases just got harassed.

It really appeared to be a war on youth, at least youth whose recreation pursuits were not organized, adult-supervised, scheduled and uniformed.

About ten years ago, local kids, under the umbrella of Healthy Community Healthy Kids, raised money by renting the National Guard armory, booking bands and putting up structures indoors to skate on, then hauling them all back home again. They turned the money over to Smart Skate for a outdoor skatepark with wooden structures.  It was in a location that was difficult for kids without cars to get to.  That and other problems led to its closure.

Our new skatepark will officially open on November 5 at 3:30.  I plan on being there for the ceremony.  It is largely the achievement of Nate Dore, a local state economist, who spent several years doing fund raisers, writing grant applications, and jumping through bureaucratic hoops.  He was instrumental in getting Minnesota public liability insurance policies to allow six feet of elevation in skate park structures.   The park was designed and constructed by a contractor who specializes in skate parks.

Construction was completed a week or so ago, but for technical/legal reasons, it was cordoned off until yesterday.  Several people were arrested for succumbing to temptation after so many years of deprivation and skating early on this magnificent park.  Others were run off, until Friday.  On perhaps the last warm beautiful day of the year, the park was flooded with people: kids, young adults, families who drove from other communities.  The cops looked the other way and the barricades were removed the next day.

The park is on city property, just east of the curling club.  Stop by and watch some amazing athletes doing things that most of us could only dream of.  Show your support of our young people by showing up for the opening ceremonies, November 5, 3:30-6pm.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pecha Kucha Night #3 - Thursday

Pecha Kucha Night #3
Thursday, October 14th
at the Cabin Coffeehouse & Cafe, Downtown Bemidji
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free and Open to the Public

Pecha Kucha Night is a fun, fast-paced presentation format where creative people share talents, ideas and their passions. It\'s FREE and open to the public.

There are three reasons why the Pecha Kucha Night event has caught on like wildfire around the globe:

1. It\'s informal, easy to use and it's FUN.
2. It allows creative people an outlet to share their stories.
3. It allows audiences to listen to appetizer-sized portions of a variety of topics.

Each presentation is made up of 20 images. Each image is shown for exactly 20 seconds, making ever presentation 6 minutes, 40 seconds.

Pecha Kucha Night Bemidji Presenters

Jill Bitker, Master Florist & Runner
Brett Cease, Cyclist & Outdoor Enthusiast
Alicia Cloose, Graphic Designer
Jane Hastig, Green Artist
Jeremiah T. S. Liend, Swashbuckling Adventurer
Dr. John Lueth, Dentist
Darci Thabes, Stone Tile Artist
Cheri Ware, Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Whether you consider yourself a creative person, a doer, or a thinker, we want to hear your story. Please share with us your hobbies, interests and passions. Plan to attend our next event, Thursday, October 14th. Bring a friend!