Monday, October 11, 2010

Pecha Kucha Night #3 - Thursday

Pecha Kucha Night #3
Thursday, October 14th
at the Cabin Coffeehouse & Cafe, Downtown Bemidji
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free and Open to the Public

Pecha Kucha Night is a fun, fast-paced presentation format where creative people share talents, ideas and their passions. It\'s FREE and open to the public.

There are three reasons why the Pecha Kucha Night event has caught on like wildfire around the globe:

1. It\'s informal, easy to use and it's FUN.
2. It allows creative people an outlet to share their stories.
3. It allows audiences to listen to appetizer-sized portions of a variety of topics.

Each presentation is made up of 20 images. Each image is shown for exactly 20 seconds, making ever presentation 6 minutes, 40 seconds.

Pecha Kucha Night Bemidji Presenters

Jill Bitker, Master Florist & Runner
Brett Cease, Cyclist & Outdoor Enthusiast
Alicia Cloose, Graphic Designer
Jane Hastig, Green Artist
Jeremiah T. S. Liend, Swashbuckling Adventurer
Dr. John Lueth, Dentist
Darci Thabes, Stone Tile Artist
Cheri Ware, Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Whether you consider yourself a creative person, a doer, or a thinker, we want to hear your story. Please share with us your hobbies, interests and passions. Plan to attend our next event, Thursday, October 14th. Bring a friend!

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